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*: 責任著者, #: 共同筆頭, 青背景: 成川研の筆頭 and/or 責任著者, 緑背景: 成川研の共著者


1. Suzuki, T.*, Yoshimura, M., Arai, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2024) Crucial residue for tuning thermal relaxation kinetics in the biliverdin-binding cyanobacteriochrome photoreceptor revealed by site-saturation mutagenesis. J. Mol. Biol., 436 (5): 168451.

2. Takeda, Y., Ohtsu, I., Suzuki, T., Nakasone, Y., Fushimi, K., Ikeuchi, M., Terazima, M., Dohra, H., and Narikawa, R.* (2023) Conformational change of the engineered biliverdin-binding cyanobacteriochrome during the photoconversion process. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 745: 109715.

3. Suzuki, T.*, Yoshimura, M., Hoshino, H., Fushimi, K., Arai, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2023) Introduction of reversible cysteine ligation ability to the biliverdin-binding cyanobacteriochrome photoreceptor. FEBS J., 290 (20): 4999-5015.

4. Hoshino, H., and Narikawa, R.* (2023) Novel cyanobacteriochrome photoreceptor with the second Cys residue showing atypical orange/blue reversible photoconversion. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 22 (2): 251-261.

5. Miyake, K., Kimura, H., Narikawa, R.* (2022) Identification of significant residues for intermediate accumulation in phycocyanobilin synthesis. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 21 (4): 437-446.

6. Fushimi, K.*, and Narikawa, R.* (2021) Unusual ring D fixation by three crucial residues promotes phycoviolobilin formation in the DXCF-type cyanobacteriochrome without the second Cys. Biochem. J., 478 (5): 1043-1059

7. Fushimi, K.#, Hoshino, H.#, Shinozaki-Narikawa, N., Kuwasaki, Y., Miyake, K., Nakajima, T., Sato, M., Kano, F., and Narikawa, R.* (2020) The cruciality of single amino acid replacement for the spectral tuning of biliverdin-binding cyanobacteriochromes. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21 (17): 6278.

8. Fushimi, K., Matsunaga, T., and Narikawa, R.* (2020) Photoproduct of DXCF cyanobacteriochromes without reversible Cys ligation is destabilized by rotating ring twist of the chromophore. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 19 (10): 1289-1299.

9. Fushimi, K.*, Hasegawa, M., Ito, T., Rockwell, N.C., Enomoto, G., Ni-Ni-Win, Lagarias, J. C., Ikeuchi, M. and Narikawa, R.* (2020) Evolution-inspired design of multicolored photoswitches from a single cyanobacteriochrome scaffold. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 117 (27): 15573-15580.

10. Miyake, K., Fushimi, K., Kashimoto, T., Maeda, K., Ni-Ni-Win, Kimura, H., Sugishima, M., Ikeuchi, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2020) Functional diversification of two bilin reductases for light perception and harvesting in unique cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina MBIC 11017. FEBS J., 287 (18): 4016-4031

11. Kashimoto, T., Miyake, K., Sato, M., Maeda, K., Matsumoto, C., Ikeuchi, M., Toyooka, K., Watanabe, S., Kanesaki, Y,* and Narikawa, R.* (2020) Acclimation process of the chlorophyll d-bearing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina to orange light environment revealed by transcriptomic analysis and electron microscopic observation. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 66 (2): 106-115.

12. Kuwasaki, Y., Miyake, K., Fushimi, K., Takeda, Y., Ueda, Y., Nakajima, T., Ikeuchi, M., Sato, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2019) Protein engineering of dual-Cys cyanobacteriochrome AM1_1186g2 for biliverdin incorporation and far-red/blue reversible photoconversion. Int. J. Mol. Sci.,20: 2935

13. Fushimi, K., Miyazaki, T., Kuwasaki, Y., Nakajima, T., Yamamoto, T., Suzuki, K., Ueda, Y., Miyake, K., Takeda, Y., Choi, J.H., Kawagishi, H., Park, E.Y., Ikeuchi, M., Sato, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2019) Rational conversion of chromophore selectivity of cyanobacteriochromes to accept mammalian intrinsic biliverdin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 116 (17): 8301-8309

14. Hasegawa, M., Fushimi, K., Miyake, K., Nakajima, T., Oikawa, Y., Enomoto, G., Sato, M., Ikeuchi, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2018) Molecular characterization of DXCF cyanobacteriochromes from the cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina identifies a blue-light power sensor. J. Biol. Chem., 293 (5): 1713-1727

15. Fushimi, K., Ikeuchi, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2017) The expanded red/green cyanobacteriochrome lineage: An evolutionary hot spot. Photochem. Photobiol., 93 (3): 903-906.

16. Fushimi, K., Enomoto, G., Ikeuchi, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2017) Distinctive properties of dark reversion kinetics between two red/green-type cyanobacteriochromes and their application in the photoregulation of cAMP synthesis. Photochem. Photobiol., 93 (3): 681-691.

17. Fushimi, K., Rockwell, N., Enomoto, G., Ni-Ni-Win, Martin, S., Gan, F., Bryant, DA., Ikeuchi, M., Lagarias, J. C., and Narikawa, R.* (2016) Cyanobacteriochrome photoreceptors lacking the canonical Cys residue. Biochemistry, 55 (50): 6981-6995.

18. Fushimi, K., Nakajima, T., Aono, Y., Yamamoto, T., Ni-Ni-Win, Ikeuchi, M., Sato, M., and Narikawa, R.* (2016) Photoconversion and fluorescence properties of a red/green-type cyanobacteriochrome AM1_C0023g2 that binds not only phycocyanobilin but also biliverdin. Front. Microbiol., 7: 588.


19. Narikawa, R.*, Fushimi, K., Ni-Ni-Win, and Ikeuchi, M. (2015) Red-shifted red/green-type cyanobacteriochrome AM1_1870g3 from the chlorophyll d-bearing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 461 (2): 390-5

20. Narikawa, R.*, Nakajima, T., Aono, Y., Fushimi, K., Enomoto, G., Ni-Ni-Win, Itoh, S., Sato, M., and Ikeuchi, M. (2015) A biliverdin-binding cyanobacteriochrome from the chlorophyll d–bearing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. Sci. Rep., 5: 7950

21. Narikawa, R.*, Enomoto, G., Ni-Ni-Win, Fushimi, K., and Ikeuchi, M. (2014) A new dual-Cys cyanobacteriochrome GAF domain found in cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina, which has an unusual red/blue reversible photoconversion cycle. Biochemistry, 53 (31): 5051-5059


22. Makita, Y.#, Suzuki, S.#, Fushimi, K.#, Shimada, S.#, Suehisa, Y., Hirata, M., Kuriyama, T., Kurihara, Y., Hamasaki, H., Okubo-Kurihara, E., Yoshitake, K., Watanabe, T., Sakuta, M., Gojobori, T., Sakami, T., Narikawa, R., Yamaguchi, H., Kawachi, M., and Matsui, M. (2021) Identification of a dual orange/far-red and blue light photoreceptor from an oceanic green picoplankton. Nat. Commun., 12: 3593


23. Takemura, H., Choi, J.-H., Fushimi, K., Narikawa, R., Wu, J., Kondo, M., Nelson, D., Suzuki, T., Ouchi, H., Inai, M., Hirai, H., and Kawagishi, H. (2023) Role of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase in metabolism of fairy chemicals in rice. Organ. Biomol. Chem., 21 (12): 2556-2561.

24. Kuwasaki, Y., Suzuki, K., Yu, G., Yamamoto, S., Otabe, T., Kakihara, Y., Nishiwaki, M., Miyake, K., Fushimi, K., Bekdash, R., Shimizu, Y., Narikawa, R., Nakajima, T., Yazawa, M., and Sato, M. (2022) A red light-responsive photoswitch for deep tissue optogenetics. Nat. Biotechnol., 40 (11): 1672-1679.

25. Tachibana, S.R., Tang, L., Zhu, L., Takeda, Y., Fushimi, K., Ueda, Y., Nakajima, T., Kuwasaki, Y., Sato, M., Narikawa, R., and Fang, C. (2021) An engineered biliverdin-compatible cyanobacteriochrome enables a unique ultrafast reversible photoswitching pathway. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22 (10): 5252

26. Tachibana, S.R., Tang, L., Cheng Chen, C., Zhu, L., Takeda, Y., Fushimi, K., Seevers. T.K., Narikawa, R., Sato, M., and Fang, C. (2021) Transient electronic and vibrational signatures during reversible photoswitching of a cyanobacteriochrome photoreceptor. Spectrochim Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 250:119379.


27. Priyadarshini, N., Steube, N., Wiens, D., Narikawa, R., Wilde, A., Hochberg, G.K.A., and Enomoto, G. (2023) Evidence for an early green/red photocycle that precedes the diversification of GAF domain photoreceptor cyanobacteriochromes. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 22 (6): 1415-1427.

28. Kirpich, J.S., Chang, C.-W., Franse, J., Yu, Q., Escobar, F.V., Jenkins, A.J., Martin, S.S., Narikawa, R., Ames, J.B., Lagarias, J.C., Larsen, D.S. (2021) Comparison of the forward and reverse photocycle dynamics of two highly similar canonical red/green cyanobacteriochromes reveals unexpected differences. Biochemistry, 60 (4): 274-288

29. Enomoto, G., Kamiya, A., Okuda, Y., Narikawa, R., and Ikeuchi, M.* (2020) Tlr0485 is a cAMP-activated c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase in a cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol., 66 (2): 147-152

30. Maeda, K., Tamura, J., Okuda, Y., Narikawa, R., Midorikawa, T., and Ikeuchi* (2018) Genetic identification of factors for extracellular cellulose accumulation in the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus: proposal of a novel tripartite secretion sytem. Mol. Microbiol., 109 (1): 121-134

31. Scarbath-Evers, L., Jähnigen, S., Elgabarty, H., Song, C., Narikawa, R., Matysik, J., and Sebastiani, D.* (2017) Structural heterogeneity in parent ground-state structure in AnPixJg2 revealed by spectroscopy and theory. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19 (21): 13882-13894.

32. Fujisawa, T., Narikawa, R., Maeda, SI., Watanabe S., Kanesaki Y., Kobayashi, K., Nomata, J., Hanaoka, M., Watanabe M., Ehira, S., Suzuki, E., Awai, K., and Nakamura, Y.* (2017) CyanoBase: A large-scale update on its 20th anniversary. Nucleic Acids Res., 45 (D1): D551-D554.

33. Nagao, R.*, Tomo, T., Narikawa, R., Enami, I., and Ikeuchi, M. (2016) Conversion of photosystem II dimer to monomers during photoinhibition is tightly coupled with decrease in oxygen-evolving activity in the diatom Chaetoceros gracilis. Photosyn. Res., 130: 83-91

34. Song, C., Velazquez Escobar, F.J., Xu, X.L., Narikawa, R., Ikeuchi, M., Siebert, F., Gärtner, W., Matysik, J., and Hildebrandt, P.* (2015) A red/green cyanobacteriochrome sustains its color despite a change of the bilin chromophore's protonation state. Biochemistry, 54 (38): 5839-5848

35. Song, C., Narikawa, R., Ikeuchi, M., Gärtner, W., and Matysik, J.* (2015) Color tuning in red/green cyanobacteriochrome AnPixJ: Photoisomerization at C15 causes an excited-state destabilization. J. Phys. Chem. B, 119 (30): 9688-9695

36. Enomoto, G., Ni-Ni-Win, Narikawa, R., Ikeuchi, M.* (2015) Three cyanobacteriochromes work together to form a light color-sensitive input system of c-di-GMP signaling of cell aggregation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 112 (26): 8082-8087

37. Maeda, K., Narikawa, R., and Ikeuchi, M.* (2015) Measurement of nucleotide triphosphate sugar transferase activity via generation of pyrophosphate. Bio-Protocol, 5 (8): e1450

38. Enomoto, G., Nomura R., Shimada, T., Ni-Ni-Win, Narikawa, R., and Ikeuchi, M.* (2014) Cyanobacteriochrome SesA is a diguanylate cyclase that regulates cell aggregation in Thermosynechococcus. J. Biol. Chem., 289 (36): 24801-24809

39. Maeda, K., Narikawa, R., and Ikeuchi, M.* (2014) CugP is a novel ubiquitous non-GalU-type bacterial UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylases found in cyanobacteria. J. Bacteriol., 196 (13): 2348-2354




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